We always try to make sure that price displayed in our comparison is assigned to the correct regions. If the price is still too high, create a price alert and receive an email notification when FSX: Steam Edition - REX 4 Texture Direct Enhanced Edition Add-On matches your budget! Does FSX: Steam Edition - REX 4 Texture Direct Enhanced Edition Add-On cd key activate in my region? Check the price history of the game to determine how good the deal is in relation to historical low offers. All offers already include discounts from vouchers to save you time and money. GG.deals aggregates game keys from over 40 digital distribution stores so you can find the best deals on video games. You can also tick the 'Create Desktop Shortcut' option at installation for ease of access. NOTE: REX 4 Texture Direct Enhanced Edition can be found in the 'Tools' section of Steam. Vastly improved in/out cockpit precipitation and thunder sounds. Different lighting conditions dictate the range of colors from yellow to orange and red to amber.
Easy to read, enhanced airport signage. Realistic dirty airport parking and jetway marks. Extremely detailed and enhanced ground rain effect. 23 types of runway edge and taxiway lighting, some with simulated ground glow. Realistic corresponding haze layer values when encountering the proper WX. Smoother transitional algorithms during dawn and dusk times. Properly balanced terrain light and shadow values during dawn and dusk. Beautiful photo-realistic skies sampled from many locations around the world. Spectacular terrain bump-mapping effects, modelled from different materials. Runway and taxiway detailed planar bump-map effects. 28 amazingly detailed taxiways developed from all types of concrete, asphalt and bitumen. Runway markings now support larger aircraft. Dirty and soiled runway markings at all airport runways worldwide! No more blown out white marks interfering with your immersion. 23 types of runway edge and taxiway lighting, some with simulated ground glow. Spectacular terrain bump-mapping effects, modeled from varied materials. Many types of runway grooving and material selection. The tire marking build-up is fascinating when using the heavy use runway option.
Ultra-realistic airport environments made from custom, high-definition aerial photography. Water boundaries blend much more realistically. Worldwide tropical water classification fix, eliminating most of the core repetitive texture tiling effect.
High-level clouds, including Cirrus, Cirrostratus and Cirrocumulus. Low/Mid-level 3D clouds, including Stratus, Cumulonimbus, Cumulus, Stratocumulus, Altostratus and Altocumulus. New unique types of cloud base structures. STEAM FLIGHT SIMULATOR X REX 4 CODE
Ability for users to select weather scenarios or enter airport code to have texture themes generated based upon weather conditions. STEAM FLIGHT SIMULATOR X REX 4 INSTALL
Ability to select and install textures individually and/or create custom 'themes' to install a full suite of textures instantly. your choice, over 32 to choose from, the highest definition textures with the most fidelity on the market. Originating from HD source photography, runway tire markings are properly scaled within the simulator creating a more realistic viewpoint. Give default airports in FSX: Steam Edition the pay ware-style treatment, from light to heavy use runways, taxiways and pavement markings! Highly detailed textures, including runway textured lighting encasements. STEAM FLIGHT SIMULATOR X REX 4 SERIES
REX 4 Texture Direct Enhanced Edition is the latest version of the acclaimed Texture Direct series by flight sim veterans REX Simulations. New! For the first ever, experience more realistic in-cloud, cloud to cloud, and cloud to ground lightning effects. Panning around your aircraft at different angles during beginning or end of day will yield just how dynamic these effects are. New! Enhanced sun, corona, glow, flares, and special effects, giving the most realistic renditions of atmospheric conditions. Includes improved transitional algorithms during dawn and dusk times, properly balanced terrain light and shadow values. New! Updated vibrant sky dawn, day, and dusk textures. New: 3D Clouds including unique cloud base structures
REX 4 Texture Direct Steam Edition just got enhanced with an additional 2GB of textures!